Dread Of Death
By: Robert Berendt (published September 19, 2019)

Over the years I have been with or near a number of people who faced death. There were some cases in which the end of life was almost a relief because of the physical suffering they were enduring. Some kept hoping for a miracle and would do anything to stay alive. For younger people who were diagnosed with a disease like cancer, it was a shock which they would wrestle with the rest of their lives. The Bible tells us that we humans are subject to bondage all of our lives because of the fear of death (Heb. 2:14). We are also told that Satan, the devil, has the power of death and Jesus Christ was sent to free mankind from this power (Heb. 2:13). It is obvious that all living things die. Plants, animals, birds, fish and we humans. But humans have a mind that can imagine things, develop fears and phobias, worry and become anxious over much or little and when confronted by death, are struck by the fact that they too will die. Somehow, nobody really wants to die, if death means fading away into the darkness and oblivion in which life does not exist. Within each of us stirs a strong glimmer of hope that there is something more - that death does not really mean the end of life. Once again, we can read in the Scriptures that God the Creator actually places the concept, thought and hope for eternity into the hearts of all people (Eccl. 3:11). The only difficulty is that we cannot find the work that God does from the beginning to the end. Our lives are short and full of troubles as we can all affirm (Job 14:1). However, when we honestly allow our thoughts to include the fact that our lives will end, we face the dilemma of not wanting life to simply end so that we do not exist, and yet not knowing what the future holds. People can be incredibly brave, but the inner fear still lurks.

There likely are almost as many thoughts people have developed to convince themselves and others that life does not actually end, as there are people who think deeply. Each person has a hope of some kind. Christians believe they will continue to live in heaven in some form or another. Buddhists believe in Nirvana - an existence that is uncertain, but not death. Some believe we return in another living form in a reincarnation. Some believe that we go on living in some beautiful and peaceful place. Some believe and fear that evil people live in torment and misery in a sort of hell for eternity. In all of this thinking - we do not often find those who simply believe that when we die, life has ended, although they will say that is their belief. People can convince themselves of almost anything, but the position they hold often changes when they actually face death. That is the moment when our doubts hit us, whether or not we want to admit it. We realize how completely helpless we are when our physical bodies fail. If there is not some outside helper for us, we would never live again.

The question about life after death was asked since man first grasped the concept of death, no doubt. We see animals and plants die about us and one generation goes and another comes but the earth continues as it was (Eccl. 1:4). Humans usually have a long lifespan, so we witness the death of living things. It is as though that was designed so that we will truly seek answers about living and dying. When we die - when our body no longer functions - when we no longer respond to loved ones - will we live again? That is the question that has been asked before and is being asked today. One man in the Bible asked that question and concluded that only if there is an outside force, only if there is a Creator who loves and knows His creation, only if there is a design and plan for all that is happening, can there be a hope of living after death (Job 14:14-17). Paul wrote that if there is no resurrection to life, our faith is in vain (I Cor. 15:12-21).

We humans will always develop some sort of hope or thought about life after death. We can face death when we believe it is not the "end" of life. We feel that all that makes up a human being with the ability to learn, study, hope, plan, experience things, create and manufacture shouts out the truth that humans are not like plants or animals. We are far above all other living things in our thinking and learning, It becomes clear that living things cannot possibly be an accident of nature. The incredible beauty and perfection of each of the tens of thousands of varieties of living things on earth demand careful planning and creating. Each living thing is dependent upon other living things. Plants eat soil and rock, animals, birds and fish eat plants and humans are on the top of that food chain. Each creature has a part to play and is a marvel to observe. We are amazed at the intricate things about us - physical and seemingly non-physical. We marvel at birds or fish that migrate annually with some seemingly inbuilt ability. We realize that living things are also frail and it does not take much for that life to end. We, of all creatures, have the ability to observe and wonder about the incredible world we live on. That ability is not an accident of nature, it is the way we were created by a loving Creator who does have a plan.

The Bible carries a clear message from the Creator of His offer and gift of eternal life. That offer has been verified by the life, death and resurrection to life of Jesus Christ. After these events Jesus remained among His followers for 40 days demonstrating this incredible gift God offers. Hundreds of people saw and touched the resurrected Christ (I Cor. 15:1-6). Thousands were instantly filled with an incredible hope and confidence as a result (Acts 2:41). His followers who once had fled in fear of death, now boldly taught about life and salvation that was made possible only through Christ (Acts 4:12). Jesus boldly taught that He gives eternal life to those who follow Him (John 10:28). He stated: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6). A man who once tried to destroy Jesus and the work He was doing came to understand the way that had been opened. Paul did not see the resurrection of Jesus, but he knew intimate friends who had and Paul became convinced that through Christ the way to receive the gift of eternal life from God had been shown (Eph. 2:4-8). If we were immortal, there would have been no need for God to offer eternal life.

Salvation and life after death is a gift offered by God. The penalty for sin is death, but through the acceptance of Jesus Christ and obedience to God, the gift of God is eternal life (Rom. 6:23). It is a gift that we cannot earn because we cannot atone for our sins. God the Father cleanses the repentant human from all sin through the shed blood of His Son. Paul explains that converted people are to walk in newness of life. They are now pure in God's sight, but as Paul pointed out, now that a person is under grace - the mercy of God through His love - we should no longer sin (Rom. 6:14-17). Once we can grasp the wonder of the gift of eternal life God offers and has always had in mind for humans, we cannot help but love Him. We love Him because we realize that He first loved us (I John 4:19). We know God because we keep His commandments or we would be liars (I John 2:3-6). Through this way, the Father and Son abide within the heart and mind of a person spiritually (I John 4:12-16). The early followers of Jesus Christ made a complete turnabout in their thinking when they saw the resurrected Christ and realized that their destiny offered by God was to be resurrected from the dead and to become like the resurrected Christ (I John 3:1,2). The dread of death is with us all, but through Christ, the hope of life after death is stronger. God offers the way for the dread of death to be conquered.

We humans have the ability to push the thought and therefore fear of death far from us when the conditions we live in are good and we are young. However, always in life, there comes a time where we come face to face with death. It may be when our parents or older friends die. It may be those very close to us like our children. One day it will be our own death that we face. Without realizing it, we face the possibility of dying every day through an accident or some sudden physical problem like a heart attack. A wise man wrote that we should remember our Creator in our youth. Wisdom shows us that death does not pause just because a person is young (Eccl. 12:1,6). Now is the time - your time - to seek your God.