Why the second death?
By: Robert Berendt (published January 3, 2019)

When God created the universe and completed His work for life on earth, death was a part of that work. Plants die, insects sometimes only live a very short time and all physical living things die in time. We see much evidence of the remains of living things that lived long before Adam and Eve were created. Although Adam and Eve were created as physical beings, death was not mentioned until God gave them a specific command and that was not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 2:17). Eve knew, in her reply to Satan, that they were not even to touch the tree (Gen. 3:3), because they could die. God made it clear to Adam and Eve that their life was not eternal, but they would die at the end of their lives and return to dust (Gen. 3:19). They would not live forever, although there was a tree in the Garden which would have given them eternal life had they learned to obey and love God (Gen. 3:22). It must have been part of God's plan for humankind to be given eternal life if they would obey Him. The gift of God is eternal life when it is given by Him under the conditions in which it is offered (Rom. 6:23).

Paul wrote that it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment. Death is the end of life and we humans are completely helpless when this comes to us. In the day of our death, all our plans stop, our spirit returns to God who gave it and our body returns to dust (Psalm 146:4, Eccl. 12:7). But the Bible speaks clearly that there is a second death (Rev. 2:11, 20:6,12-15, 21:8). It is not possible to die twice unless a person has lived twice. The only way this can happen is if those who have died are resurrected to physical life once again. How could this be and who would be resurrected to life again? Why resurrected to a second life if only to die? Why is a second death mentioned?

There are a group of faithful and obedient followers of Jesus Christ who are destined to be resurrected to life in an eternal spiritual body and to rule with Jesus Christ a thousand years on earth and obviously to continue with Him (Rev. 20:6). They are part of what is called the first resurrection. The use of the word first implies a second or even a third. The second death has no power over these believers. They are resurrected, receive a spiritual eternal body and will always be with the Lord (I Thess. 4:13-18). They are the dead in Christ. Paul also states that there will be some who are living physical beings who will not die even the first death, but who will be changed in the twinkling of an eye and never face death (I Cor. 15:51-54). So we can see that at the return of Jesus Christ, those faithful followers of His who had died perhaps hundreds of years before, will be resurrected and joined by those who are changed while living and become eternal spirit beings serving with Jesus Christ. They will not face a possible second death.

When we examine the references to the second death closely, we can see that it is a danger for the followers of Jesus Christ if they do not overcome all that displeases God in their lives (Rev. 2:11). These are converted people who fall away from the faith and shame the sacrifice that was paid for their sins (Heb. 6:4-6). What is clear is that this group who may have died without repenting, would be resurrected as physical beings in order to die in the second death. Thus, once converted, always converted is not a given during one's lifetime. Constant vigilance is needed against the enemy of the converted who always seeks to destroy them (I Pet. 5:8). When a person dies in the faith - in Christ - there is no danger of the second death (Rev. 20:6).

When describing the first resurrection, John wrote that the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. That makes it clear that at the end of the thousand years, all who died since the time of Adam and Eve would be resurrected. This would be a second resurrection. They are the rest of the dead who have never known God. The whole house of Israel is among them (Ezek. 37:11). They had been deceived by Satan just as Adam and Eve were (Rev. 20:3.8). Satan has been at work deceiving people since Adam and Eve. People are easy to deceive when they do not know God. The vast majority of people living on this earth do not now, and never did know the true God and His Son Jesus Christ.

A third reference to the second death is found in Rev. 20:11-15. This is a period of judgment. Those standing before the great white throne were the former dead. Of these, the Scripture tells us that anyone not found written in the Book of Life would be cast into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:15). Clearly those of the first resurrection were not in this group since they had already reigned for 1,000 years. This reference can only apply to people who would have an opportunity to know Christ and the way of salvation. We see that they are judged out of the book of life (verse 12). That book is the Bible which is the Word of God to mankind. In those words we find the definition of sin that God has put in place and the path of forgiveness and repentance. Those in this resurrection seem to be people who never had the understanding to be able to choose to follow Jesus. This could be referred to as a second resurrection and would be to physical life in order for those billions involved to learn, repent and overcome their problems.

This second resurrection shows the incredible mercy and patience of the Almighty. He does not want any to perish and knows that most people who have died never had a chance for eternal life. Out of justice and fairness, God will offer that to everyone. That includes sinners and even babies who never grew into adulthood. If we consider babies, clearly this time of living and testing would need to be some decades in length. In the magnitude of His power, plan and mercy, none would experience the second death if God prevented them from knowing about salvation. One scripture that gives a possible time concept is Isa. 65:17-25. This scripture speaks about a new heaven and earth, one of constant joy and happiness. Babies will not die in birth but will live 100 years. However, those who do live the 100 years and are still found in sin, will be accursed. These verses describe a time that has not yet come to earth although it could describe the 1,000 years. The time of peace and rejoicing describes the conditions on earth when Jesus Christ shall return. During this span of time - just as it happens now - the followers of Jesus Christ will have their names written in the Book of Life.

The final reference to the second death is found in Rev. 21:8. "He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son." Then the second death is described for all those who are listed as cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolater and liars. Obviously, these have not repented and turned to God for mercy and forgiveness. This group may also include people who at one time did accept the cleansing sacrifice of Jesus, but as time passed rejected that and turned back to sin (Heb. 6:6). Paul prepared a similar list in I Cor. 6:9-11 in which he said those would not inherit the Kingdom of God and of such were some of the saints he was serving.

Why then a resurrection to the second death? It is the final judgment of all those who have willingly and knowingly rejected Jesus Christ since Adam and Eve. It is a day God dreads and we would dread since we may have loved ones who have fallen. It is a day that justified unknown millions of years of the war between God and His good angels and Satan and the demons. It is necessary because God is totally just and fair. One more thought lies in Jesus' words. There is a resurrection to condemnation (John 5:29). This verse is sometimes thought to mean a resurrection to judgment, but there must be a resurrection also for all who had the chance God gave and died while rejecting God. Condemnation can only be for people who have once known and repented, but willingly turned from God. They will be in the second death, but not the second resurrection which is a resurrection of hope. So we can conclude there is a third resurrection which involves all who have had a full and complete chance at salvation. They would have had their name in the Book of life, but had it erased. They are resurrected to the just punishment, the second death. Our lives are being played out before a vast company of angels who have witnessed the evils of Satan and chose to stay with God. These angels work for God and minister to the saints. Their struggle of millions of years will be justified. There is a need for the second death to fulfill the requirements of justice and show the glory of God.